Hello all! Sheri and Pam are in Washington DC to accept our National Blue Ribbon award. You can watch us accept on the below link. Awards begin at 11:30a Mountain time and will continue for 3 hours. States, then schools, will be called in alphabetical order. https://youtube.com/@USEdGov?si=GTMtO10nADGBfevU
about 1 year ago, Deer Park School
ATTENTION ALL VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS! There will be an awards night for all 5-8 girls who participated in volleyball this season on Friday, 11/14 from 7:00-10:00pm. There will be food, music, awards, and a glow in the dark volleyball game! Please bring your jersey and $5! RSVP's are going home today!
about 1 year ago, Deer Park Athletics
awards night
Deer Park Community: As part of our accreditation process, we would like input from the families and community about our school. Attached in a link to a survey from the Office of Public Instruction (OPI). This survey is the first step toward creating and informing an Integrated Strategic Action Plan (ISAP) that will serve as a blueprint of where we would like to go as a school. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey. https://montanaopi.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0ppbDFMo98Q3aMm
about 1 year ago, Sheri Modderman
Hello All. Remember to take a minute and fill out your students lunch forms. The form will be closing soon. Have a great weekend.
about 1 year ago, Tana Anderson
Reminder--School will be dismissed at 12:30 tomorrow for parent/teacher conferences. Crash Zone will be open until 6:00.
about 1 year ago, Sheri Modderman
Conferences begin today at 2:45p and continue tomorrow starting at 12:45p after early out at 12:30p. There are plenty of open conference times, particularly on Thursday. Navigate to our website and scroll for News or scroll down in our feed to find the links to sign up genius. Looking foward to seeing everyone!
about 1 year ago, Deer Park School
There will be cheerleading practice today for all interested girls in grades 6-8. Practice will be right after school until 4:30.
about 1 year ago, Sheri Modderman
Both the 5/6 and 7/8 teams will be dismissed at 2:55 today. The 5/6 will be playing at Smith Valley and the 7/8 will be playing at Whitefish Middle School. An updated schedule is attached to this post. Additionally, you can also find the season schedule and the early dismissal schedule following this link. https://www.deerpark.k12.mt.us/documents/sports-info/202788
about 1 year ago, Deer Park Athletics
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Hello Families! Please navigate to our webpage or scroll down in the feed on your phone to see the news post with links and about how to sign up for conferences. You will need an access code to see the sign up options: 123 Kindergarten and 1st grade conferences will last 30m 2nd through 5th grade conferences will last 20m Middle school conferences will last 15m
about 1 year ago, Deer Park School
Hello all. This will be our beloved clerk Peggy Martin's last week at Deer Park. After 26 years she will be retiring . We will be celebrating her all week. Please feel free to stop in and chat with her and give her your best wishes in her retirement.
about 1 year ago, Tana Anderson
Good Morning! Lunch forms are open. Take a minute and get yours filled out.
about 1 year ago, Tana Anderson
Still need winter clothing for your kiddos? For families with financial difficulties, Coats for Kids is at Glacier Gateway Elementary in Columbia Falls from 10 am until 3 pm today (Saturday, November 4th).
about 1 year ago, Laurie LaPan
Great job tonight 5/6 Boys on your win against Creston! Tomorrow the 7/8 Boys will be dismissed at 2:00pm as they will be playing at Evergreen in the 8th Grade basketball tournament at 3:00pm and 5:00pm! The schedule is attached to this feed!
about 1 year ago, Deer Park Athletics
8th Grade
8th Grade Tournament
Just a reminder, your pizza order forms for November 9th are due back tomorrow! Extra form are in the office if needed.
about 1 year ago, Sam Olson
The first home basketball game is today! The 5/6 boys play Creston, and there will be NO concessions as it is a single header. Good luck boys! #GOPANTHERS
about 1 year ago, Deer Park Athletics
It is time to sign up for conferences :) Check out our latest news item for instructions and information. News item: https://deerparksd2mt.sites.thrillshare.com/article/1320587
about 1 year ago, Deer Park School
Just a reminder that the field trip for grades 6-8 on Friday has been rescheduled to a later date (possibly in the spring). These grades will have class as usual.
about 1 year ago, Deer Park Athletics
Parent/Teacher conferences will be next Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 8-9. Sign-ups to schedule your conference will be available soon. Also, on Thursday, students will be released at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to stop by and browse the book fair during that time as well.
about 1 year ago, Sheri Modderman
The Book Fair will be next week, Nov. 6-9! Teachers and parents can now set up money online to pay for books without having to handle cash. Click the link to set up your ewallet account. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/deerparkschooldist
about 1 year ago, Sheri Modderman
Hello all. Lunch on Thursday November 16 will only be a Ham & Cheese Sandwich, there will not be a cheese pizza option. If you do not wish for your student to have a Ham & Cheese Sandwich please email me at anderson@deerparkedu.org and I will remove that lunch for the day. Thanks
about 1 year ago, Tana Anderson