Book Fair is open to families and students during conference times: 12:30-6:30 today.
Reminder: Students will be released at 12:30 today.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are tomorrow for those who've received a teacher request. All students will be dismissed at 12:30.
12:30 dismissal tomorrow. Cross country practice will be from 12:30-1:30.
YEARBOOKS are on sale right now. A form should have gone home with your student(s). Cost is $13.00 each, and the deadline for the form and payment (cash or check) is April 25, 2023. Form and payment can be given to Sam M. or delivered to the office. Questions? contact Sam M. at
Class and Volleyball and Girls basketball pictures today. Boys basketball and cheerleading pictures as well as any class/group missed today will be on Friday in the morning.
Hello all. If you are interested in one of the school lunch tables be sure and give us a call or come up and check them out, They will be hauled away soon.
Hi Families--We are looking at new math curriculum. We have narrowed the list down to three. If you would like to review the curriculum, there are samples in the office. Please feel free to stop by and tell us what you think.
Are you spring cleaning? If you happen to find a cross country shirt (yellow or red) that your kiddos have outgrown, donate it back to Deer Park. We have runners that could use them for our first race of the season on Tuesday. Drop shirts off to Mrs. Lapan or Mr. Hall. Go Panthers!
Class/Group/Team Pictures--April 11.
Good morning! Be sure and get those lunch forms filled out. I will keep it open for the weekend to give you all a chance to fill them out this weekend with your kids.
Hello Deer Park Families. We have 4 lunch tables that we would love to give away. They are still in good shape but have have been put to the test. If you are interested give us a call or come up and take a look at them. We would like to see them go away quickly as we do not have room to store them.
Scholastic Book Fair next week, April 10-14. It will be open before school from 8:00-8:20 and after school until 4:00. Come check it out!
Deer Park will be hosting a Cross Country meet AT CAYUSE PRAIRIE on Tuesday April 25th. We are in need of 8-10 adults that would be willing to help run the event! If you are interested, please see Coach Hall, Coach Block, or Mr. Bruce! Thank you all for your support! #GOPANTHERS
AND THEY'RE OFF! Our student-athletes in Cross Country are working hard out there today! We are looking forward to our first meet next Tuesday at Cayuse Prairie. Also, check out the schedule for future practice dates and meet locations/times. Have an amazing rest of your Monday, and welcome back! #GOPANTHERS
Cross Country practice starts today and goes from 3:20 to 4:30! This week practice is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Next week and for the rest of the season, practices are Monday, Thursday, and Friday with meets on Tuesdays.
Good morning Deer Park Families! Welcome Back! It is time to get your lunch forms filled out. This form will be open for the week. Have a great Monday!
Tomorrow night will be Deer Parks' Basketball Awards night starting at 6:30pm! There will be desserts, awards and celebration of two incredible basketball seasons! We hope to see you there!
Good morning. The lunch form will be open through the weekend. Please take a minute and fill them out this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend.
The Booster Club's Annual Spring Fling Taco Feed and Silent Auction Fundraiser is tonight at 5:30! The cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Each class is donating a basket for the silent auction and there will be items from local businesses as well. Come enjoy some great friends and great food!